We need to take action as though our public health care is in grave danger. Because it is.
Monday, September 25 MAJOR PROTEST
12 pm Noon, Queen's Park Main Legislative Building
The Ford governement is:
- Privatizing our public hospitals to for-profit hospitals & clinics
- Letting the private clinics charge patients thousands of dollars.
- Closing small & local hospitals emergency departments & urgent care.
- Underspending the health budget by $1.7 billion even whille thousands of nurses, doctors & health professionals have left & our public operating rooms sit idle.
- Spending hundreds of millions of public dollars privatizing our nurses & our hospital services.
- Giving new 30-year contracts & major expansions to the very worst for-profit long-term care corporations.

Sign up to attend, carpool or get on one of the buses! https://tinyurl.com/MassProtest or scan the QR code.